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Selected papers

O'Szabo, R., Deritei, D., & Battiston, F. (2024, December 12). Coordination and balanced communication enhance collective problem-solving in organic teams.

O. Szabo, R., Chowdhary, S., Deritei, D. et al. The anatomy of social dynamics in escape rooms. Sci Rep 12, 10498 (2022).

O. Szabó, R., Battiston, F., & Koltai, J. (2024). Faultlines, Familiarity, Communication: Predictors and Moderators of Team Success in Escape Rooms. Small Group Research, 55(2), 330-365.

Lőrincz L, Juhász S, O. Szabó R. Business transactions and ownership ties between firms. Network Science. 2024;12(1):1-20.


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