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  • How attention networks drive collective intelligence?
    We study attention networks as the theoretical bridge between (imposed) organizational structure and aggregate behavior of groups. with Charles Wan

  • Role structure and leadership in escape rooms
    We observe emergent leaderships styles in escape rooms and study their interplay with member perception (leadership perception networks), and performance.

  • Integrating Belbin team roles and organization networks

    Investigating how work-related social behavior, roles and positions in one's social network mutually shape commitment and performance.

  • Impression management & hiring outcomes in online labor markets
    Are the means of impression management traceable in the online world? We study the roles of self-presentation of job-seekers in online labor markets.


  • Creativity under pressure
    We study the downsides of temporal leadership on creative performance, focusing on cognitive moderators such as psychological safety and transactive memory system.
    with Waseem Bahadur

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